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Common Questions

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How does training differ from beginners to experts?

There are similarities and differences.  Everyone will be analyzed on how they move and we will assess their strengths and weaknesses.  From there we will prescribe a program that will enhance the strengths and minimize the weaknesses.

Do I need to be at a certain athletic level to train?

The most important thing is to be committed to the work it will take to obtain the goals as well as a healthy starting point.  If you're injured coming in, then it's much harder to move towards a goal.  It's not how you start fitness-wise, it's how you finish!

What should I bring to training sessions?

A hydrated body is hugely important!  A rested body is hugely important and the fuel or nutrients you give the body is hugely important.  Try preparing with these areas prior to the training session of the day.  For practice, always bring what you might need.  You will definitely need water, electrolytes, a snack for post workout, a foam roller, proper foot wear, and clothing.  Finally, you need to have a completely committed and consistent attitude entering as well as post workout.

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