There are certain qualities that are required to have a chance at becoming an elite athlete.
First and foremost, you have to have full commitment to the journey that you will embark on. Regardless of the obstacles, sacrifices, or life experiences, there must not be any wavering of any kind. There are no such things as vacations, breaks, random trips, just once occurrences (external of the goal), or loss of focus.
Sacrifice is the one of the hardest parts. There will be many life events, parties, vacation trips, food events, once in a lifetime event like the prom, that must be missed in order to reach goals that are achievable only by the few. The key is seeing that these future goals have more rewards than the instant gratification.
Consistent time and progression are required to learn how to optimize your craft.
Proper Nutrition with food and drinks are seen more as fuel or energy rather than another source of satisfaction.
Proper Sleep for rest, recovery, and growth.
Knowledge - being an expert in your craft and studying all areas of the activity. Understanding what is learned and applying it properly in the competitive environment.
Mindfulness - Being connected to the internal system and expressing it externally. This can be done in many ways like meditation, yoga, having a mental coach, etc.
Strength training is important as it contributes to minimizing injuries, optimizing the power production, and increasing overall focus.
Balance - not just physical, but also with life. There has to be a balance with sacrifice and commitment.
Flexibility - allow the body to move freely and without restriction. This also minimizes injury, improper movement, and compensation due to tight areas.